Well, this isnt one of those days. But it was pretty close. Lets start from the end and work our way forward. Bus ride home, after ENSURING I knew where to go, had my money, and knew what time the bus left, I ended up running for it because it was 10 minutes early. But it was fine. I was on. But then I couldnt find the money I had taken out especially. After asking the driver whether the bus goes to Yavne, about 6 times, because he kept giving me essays in response when all I can understand in his language is 'ken' and 'lo', I soon learn that he has been trying to tell me the price, and that I've lost the money that I'de safely kept aside. Being a Joburger Im dressed ready for the biting cold of Tel Aviv nights and had to scratch through all of my 9pockets... before giving up and unloading my huge backpack before finding my wallet under my laptop, with the frustrated cues behind me growing colder and more frustrated. Now lets take it back to the office where I had spent my day. The woman I'de been Job-Shadowing left 35minutes after work started, leaving me with the role of Volunteer and Tutor Coordinator, and very little idea of how to even begin. I kept stopping her at the door to double check a thing or two, or three...untill suddenly, I was alone. Now, instead of feeling sorry for myself I'm going to write my ACHIEVEMENTS of the day, in Point Form, as Achivements should be:
1) I hooked up a Francophone refugee with a French/English tutor, all by myself, and arranged a play-date for them to come into the office and meet and make schedules!
2) I made friends! With 2 of the more friendly types in the office
3) I got through the emails that I was supposed to be going through, my primary reason for existence!
4)Agian i brough myself a lovely cup of coffee. (it went like this 'how much' 10 shekels' <hands over money> 'here take a bun' 'no thanks' '10 shekels a bun and coffee' 'but i just want coffee' 'ten shekels still' <takes a bun..walks away>)and begun to actually talk to the refugees. Kinda. Still working on that. I hoping the cool and inspiring stuff, is yet to come..
5) Didnt get lost on the way there/home
So i guess that was my very average day. Just realized I still didnt water the office plants. So much for saving the world huh
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