These days, its kind of weird, I've got this 'shy' alter-ego. I think its because I not yet sure how to act. I talk very little, and take in alot. Surreal shit man.
So, back to my first day at work. It was all hectic and unexpected, but also beautiful. I cant quite tell you what i do there, because as yet, I'm not sure. I think I send alot of emails. And refer the confused Eritreans to the Right people. And water the plants? although I haven't practised that yet.
The highlight of my day was when i took myself out for coffee. It was in the Tel Aviv bus station. The Bus Station is like another country. I work on floor 4. Each floor is like the Oriental Plaza in Joburg. there are underware shops, coffee shops, sweet shops, dress shops, pharmacies, meat places, etc, you get my drift. Each floor has a different street that it exists onto, which might defy gravity, but dont let that put you off. There are like 7 floors and some Minus-floors. From what I know Floor 7 sells flowers, floor 6 sells bus tickets, Floor 5 sells pizza, Floor 4 sells undies, Floor 3 sells Cough mixture, Floor 2 sells meat, Floor 1 sells radios, and Floor -1 sells drugs. Floor -2 sells prostitutes. If you go there, you get bought. Everyone has warned me about the dodgey-ness of the Bus Station, and everyone thinks they're the first to warn me.
But I think its Paradise. People! Coffee! Busses to amazing new places!! what more could one ask for.
I am currently talking to my sister on skype. She's telling me about the beers she drank. I'm a bit jellous. Infact it now sounds like she's talking about politics and coexistence. She mumbled something about 'shallowsuperficialexistence'. . .
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