Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Unacompanied Minor down Rothschild Street

Today I went out on the town. Had beer, met some cute waiters, marched through the streets of Tel Aviv like I owned the place. I also got dumped over the phone, by a lesbo who had spent the whole of last week thinking about how she didn’t think about me. When I got off the phone I was entirely lost. And I didn’t have anyone to call obviously. But as I hadn’t really had a destination in mind, I eventually found myself exactly where I wanted to be. Rothschild Avenue, the street where the social protests took place last year. I didn’t splurge on icecream, even though the thought crossed my mind. Instead I madly marched around in search of beer. None was to be found. A million cute coffee shops (the very thing I live for), but not fucking beer. Eventually, after walking the entirety of the famous Boulevard I found just the place. Quaint, sedate, and friendly-from-a-distance. I got a Goldstar. My mom called. I told her I had taken myself out for a beer. She approved, being the independent feminist in an unhappy marriage that she is. It was still early, and I felt great already so I decided to keep exploring. This time, because I wasn’t looking frantically for a bar, I enjoyed the walk. I took pictures. There were people walking their dogs, people walking their dogs and babies, people walking their bikes, and partners, and dogs and babies. The dogs were all very prototype.  In search for supper, and having no drive for ice cream, I bought a punnet of cottage cheese, which I devoured using the foil lid as a spoon.  It was very symbolic. And then I went back to the cutest of all the cute coffee places, which had attracted my eye as I hurdled down there the first time because the endearing baristas smiled at me. It played old school music such as “Say a little prayer for you” and other great sing-alongs. We sung along. Me and the people behind the counter.  The sandwich guy kept giving me free things, because I may have asked one too many times ‘how much’ stuff is and he worried about me. It was all really nice. Soon lots of people, also flying solo, joined me at the bar (and by bar I mean the breakfast bar type thing alongside the tiny kitchen).  So, its ok that I still don’t know people in this country, I can just take myself out more often!  Sure, the appeal will eventually wear off, but by then I’ll be exploring forreals. I’m in a calm and forgiving mood now. Not quite sleepy, but I’ll get there eventually.  I’m excited for my adventures-to-come, grand plans for the weekend, and hopefully my free free time will be spent productively. My one co-worker/ maddie from the past is going to take us on amazing adventures to un-trodden territory. And I’m hopefully going to do all sorts of cool egalitarian demonstrations this Shabbas. Of course, I’ll write about it all. So hold your breaths.

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